Tag Archives: healthy recipes

Zuchhini Chips and Pizza Bites

20 Nov

Who doesn’t love that crunchiness of a chip or that cheesy flavor of those small pizza bites? Too bad they are anything but healthy, and surely won’t help keep that holiday season weight off!


Lovely readers, meet zucchini. Zucchini can be your new best friend when coming to healthifying foods! Whether it be my zucchini oats for breakfast, my zucchini jicama lasagna in my Holiday Ebook that you can purchase here, or these two delightful simple recipes, zucchini can be used in many way!

Here I have made both “chips” and small snackable pizza bites. And boy, they are a yummy midday munchie!


Simple yet delicious. My type of recipe as a college student. These are also the perfect snack to set out on gAmEdAyS as well instead of all those pants-tightening appetizers :)

What is your favorite game day or tailgating food?!

Zucchini Chips
-2 medium Zucchinis
-1 tablespoon Olive Oil
-Sea Salt and seasonings to taste
Directions: Preheat oven to 250 degrees F. Wash outside of zucchini. Using a mandolin, slice zucchini very thin. Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt and any other seasonings of choice. On a cookie sheet sprayed with nonstick spray, place slices close together but not overlapping. Bake in oven until crisp. This could take anywhere from 1-2 hours.

Zucchini Pizza Bites
-2 medium Zucchinis
-1/4 to 1/2 cup Tomato Sauce
-1/4 to 1/2 cup Low Fat
-Seasonings to taste
Directions: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Wash zucchinis on outside. Slice into thick slices. Lay slices on cookie sheet sprayed with nonstick spray. Bake in oven for about 5 minutes or until soften. Remove from oven. Spoon about a teaspoon or two of sauce onto each slice. Sprinkle cheese over top. Place into oven and bake for about 5 more minutes, or until cheese is melted.

Zucchini Benefits
1) 1 cup only has 36 calories
2) High in fiber which aids in digestion
3) Lowers cholesterol
4) Prevents Cancer
5) Rich in vitamins C and A, as well as folate
6) Benefit prostate health
7) Anti-inflammatory because of vitamin A, C and copper content
8) High in manganese,which helps in the metabolizing of proteins and carbs, participates in sex hormone production, and catalyzes synthesis of fatty acids and cholesterol

Healthy Pumpkin Challah

17 Nov

Is there anything better than the smell or the taste of fresh, hot bread right out of the oven?! To me, there is nothing better :)


I learned how to make challah bread by another leader in my culinary club I teach on campus, but it was the typical, unhealthy version of it. I knew I wanted to play around with making a healthy version, as one of my favorite foods in life is bread<3 And then life happened and I forgot.


But then a few days ago, the nutrition’s office that I volunteer for on campus offered me a free bread maker! They were trying to get rid of it, and I gladly accepted. In the rain, on my scooter my mom got me for my 21st birthday, I scooted home with my glasses, interact jacket, and the bread maker in between my legs..probably not the safest thing I have ever done

IMG_6724 IMG_5179

And then my passion for bread making was revived! Now that I didn’t have to spend the time kneading the bread, I knew I wanted to make it righttttt away. So, what a better way to begin my whole bread making than trying to make a healthy challah bread.

And then I had a great idea. Why not add a smidge of that PuMpKiN flavor that I love so dearly??

The rest was history. Nomnomnom.


so maybe not the prettiest challah loaf, but I was proud for it being the first time making it!

My boyfriend who loves bread as well, was in heaven upon first slice.

Top the bread with some coconut oil and cinnamon, some agave, or some of my delicious homemade nut butters (like my java one, almond joy one, or even better, my healthy “not-tella” <3)


Healthy Pumpkin Challah
Makes 1 loaf
1.5 cups Whole Wheat Flour
1 cup Oat Flour or White Flour
1/2 cup Pumpkin
1 Egg
1 Egg White
1/4 cup warm Milk
1 packet Instant Yeast
3T Agave
1T Coconut Oil, melted
1 tsp Sea Salt
1 tsp Cinnamon
1/2 tsp Pumpkin Pie Spice

For Egg Wash: 1 Egg, 1 tbsp Water, 1 tbsp Brown Sugar

Directions with Bread Maker: Place warm milk and yeast into bread maker. Allow to sit for about 3 minutes. Add All other ingredients except Egg Wash ingredients and turn bread maker onto the “Knead/Dough” setting. Allow to knead dough. When done, allow to rise once in bread maker until double in size. Once doubled. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Remove dough from bread maker and place on floured surface. Divide into 3 sections, and roll into “rope-like” stings of dough. Braid the three pieces of dough and pinch all three ends together on both ends of loaf. Place onto cookie tray sprayed with nonstick spray.Lay a towel over lightly and place in warm spot. Allow to double in size again, about 30 minutes. In small bowl, beat egg wash ingredients together. When loaf has doubled in size, brush egg wash mixture lightly on top (be careful not to deflate loaf), and place into preheated oven and bake for about 35 minutes, or until slight brown and crisp to the touch. Remove and allow to cool. This bread served with a touch of coconut oil and cinnamon, or a touch of agave is delicious.

Pumpkin Benefits:
1) High in Vitamin A which aids in eyesight
2) High in fiber to keep you satisfied
3) Rich in Beta Carotene with plays a role in cancer prevention and benefit your skin
4) More potassium than a banana (great post workout food!)
5) Rich in Vitamin C which is an immune booster, decreases blood pressure and risk of heart disease, and regulates cholesterol
6) Good source of vitamin E, which promotes healthy skin
7) High in potassium which is necessary for energy production, balancing fluid levels, and promoting strong bones

Overnight Carrot Cake Oatmeal in a Squash

15 Nov

I love carrot cake. The delicious favors of the sweet carrots and coconut..not to mention the cream cheese frosting that brings it all together :)


Well I decided to make a similar flavor for my breakfast today!

This combines the sweetness of natural carrot juice to create a delicious taste as it soaks overnight. And of course, can’t forget that delicious creamy frosting taste. But this one surely doesn’t use the sugar filled cream cheese frosting to get the same tasty flavor :)

And what was better? When removing it in the morning, I place it in a cooked acorn squash, to create a delectable breakfast!


Topped it with unsweetened coconut and my friend Jay’s Coco-Almond Butter..dying. I literally eat this butter straight with a spoon. So delicious.


This is surely a must try breakfast!

Carrot Cake Overnight Oatmeal
-1/2 cup rolled oats
-1/2 cup carrot juice
-1/2 cup vanilla greek yogurt
-2 tbsp cottage cheese, blended to cream
-2 tbsp shredded carrots
-2 tbsp shredded unsweetened coconut
-1/2 tsp coconut extract
-1/2 tsp vanilla extract
-1/2 tsp cinnamon
-Dash of sea salt and sweetener to taste! (about 2 tsp agave for me)
-Optional: Top with this amazing Coco-Almond Butter (or any nut butter of choice) and serve in an acorn squash!

Want a kick of protein?! Add a 1/2 scoop of Pumpkin Spice AboutTime Whey powder that is all natural and clean! You can buy on this website here and get for 25% off with the code: “FFF1” :)

Directions: Combine all ingredients in bowl. Refrigerate overnight. Either heat in the morning or enjoy as is! Top with desired ingredients. Can serve in cooked acorn squash if desired as well.

Rolled Oats Benefits
1) High in fiber, low in fat
2) Makes you feel satisfied
3) Stabilizes blood sugar
4) Removes bad cholesterol
5) Great gluten-free options
6) Contains unique antioxidants
7) Enhances immune response to disease

Coconut Benefits
1)Fights viruses and bacteria growth in body
2)Fights yeast, fungus, and candida
3) Positively affects hormones for thyroid and blood-sugar control which leads to increase metabolism, energy and endurance
4)Aids in digestion
5)Absorbs fat soluble vitamins
6)Lowers cholesterol
7)Special fat called medium chain triglycerides (Research shows 2T a day allowed women not only to gain less weight but lower abdominal fat)

Greek Yogurt
1) Help fight tummy fat
2) Contains good-for-you bacteria
3) Loaded with vitamins such as potassium, phosphorous, riboflavin, iodine, zinc, B12 and B5
4) Great recovery after workouts: high source of protein
5) High in calcium
6) Prevents high blood pressure
7) Fights off colds and flus: healthy bacteria fights off the bad and boosts the immune system
8) Protects your teeth: lactic acid in yogurt protects your gums
9) High in protein, about 18-24 grams per serving

4-Ingredient Pumpkin Banana Pancakes [Paleo Option too]

11 Nov

I use to make pancakes all the time, like these mocha coconut ones, these banana bread ones, and these fun honeycomb ones too! And boy have I missed them.


The thing is, on such a busy college schedule, I rarely have time in the morning to make a delicious breakfast like this! Its typically more of a smoothie, bar, or yogurt and granola on the go :)

But with today being Veterans Day, I woke up, was able to go on a nice little relaxing run, and come back and make these tasty little cakes.


Which reminds me, if anyone who reads this is a veteran, I just want to take a moment to say THANK YOU. All of your service and help you have given to our country is so very appreciated.

And what a better way to celebrate such a day than to combine the delicious flavors or pumpkin and banana?! Not to mention, these can be made TWO ways. Protein packed with About Time Whey’s new pumpkin protein powder…or paleo friendly with almond meal!


4 ingredients. dairy free. paleo option. protein-packed option. pumpkin. banana.

What is there not to love about this recipe?!

*If you’re wanting the protein-packed version, you can order About Time Whey’s pumpkin protein powder with my discount promo code: “FFF1” for 25% off your purchase! Just go to TryAboutTime.com and purchase on their site :)


Use FFF1 for 25% off on their website!!!

Did I mention that this entire recipe is only about 200 calories or under?!?! Thats a winner in my books!

4-Ingredient Pumpkin Banana Pancakes
Makes 6 small pancakes

-1 medium Banana, slightly warmed and mashed
-1/4 cup Pumpkin Puree
-1/4 cup Egg Whites or 1 Egg
-3 tbsp AboutTime’s Pumpkin Whey (or any flavor)
(Or sub in 3 tbsp Almond Meal for Paleo option!)
-Optional: any delicious add ins! Examples: nuts, cinnamon, vanilla extract, coconut, chocolate chips
-Topping: my Homemade Pumpkin Peanut Butter

Directions: Slightly warm banana in bowl in microwave for about 10 seconds. Mash with fork. Add in all other ingredients and mix until combined. Heat skillet with a little coconut oil on medium heat. Pour batter into pan. Cook until slightly browned and set. Flip. Cook until done. Makes 6 small pancakes (One serving). Can double or even triple recipe!

Note: Don’t forget to use my promo code “FFF1” on the About Time website to try some of this delicious pumpkin protein powder! Or try one of their other delicious flavors

Banana Benefits
1) Help overcome depression due to high tryptophan content
2) Sustains blood sugar during workouts
3) Protects against muscle cramps
4) Counteracts calcium loss
5) Improves your mood
6) Reduce swelling
7) High in potassium
8) Rich in pectin which aids in digestion
9) High in fiber
10) Natural Anti-acid
11) Only fruit that can be consumed raw without distress

Pumpkin Benefits:
1) High in Vitamin A which aids in eyesight
2) High in fiber to keep you satisfied
3) Rich in Beta Carotene with plays a role in cancer prevention and benefit your skin
4) More potassium than a banana (great post workout food!)
5) Rich in Vitamin C which is an immune booster, decreases blood pressure and risk of heart disease, and regulates cholesterol
6) Good source of vitamin E, which promotes healthy skin
7) High in potassium which is necessary for energy production, balancing fluid levels, and promoting strong bones

Egg Benefits
1) Rich in the proteins lutein and zeaxanthin, which aid in eye health
2) Aids in cardiovascular health
3) Rich in Choline, a B vitamin that is thought of as brain food” as it aids in neurological function and development
4) Prevents breast cancer
5) Leads to healthy skin, hair and nails- being
high in sulfur
6) Contains 6 grams of protein and all the amino acids needed to build protein

Whey Protein Benefits
1) Good source of high amounts of protein
2) Aids in muscle growth and repair
3) Known to lower blood pressure
4) Helps lose body fat
5) High protein keeps you satisfied and full

Double Chocolate Chunk Tartlets with Peanut Butter Yogurt Filling [Quest Bar Recipe]

8 Nov

Another Quest Bar recipe as I love their company! It is the only protein bar I will eat for the most part.


Not that I am a believer at all in substituting bars for real food. Meals should consist of real food :) But these are a great snack or preworkout fuel! It is also something I love to keep in my car in case I get stuck in a situation where I have no food (Its actually saved me many times!)Did you know they came out with a new flavor?! Double Chocolate Chunk! Can I just let you know that it is AMAZING?

They shipped me a free box with an assortment of their flavors, and this new bar was one of them! I ate one just plain, but then I made THIS recipe with the other :)


What’s better than the combination of chocolate and peanut butter? After making my raw chocolate tartlets with yogurt inside, I knew I wanted to use this new flavored bar to mimic the recipe.

This recipe is so simple, but yet, so delicious.


Double Chocolate Chunk Tartlets with Peanut Butter Yogurt Filling
Makes 4 Tartlets
-1 Double Chocolate Chunk Quest Bar (order here ) You can also use any of their flavors to make the tartlet!
-1/2 cup Greek Yogurt
-1/4 cup Peanut Flour or 2 tbsp Peanut Butter (use the real stuff for a richer taste!)
-1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract
-Honey or Stevia to sweeten to desired liking

Optional: Add 2 tbsps of AboutTime protein powder for an extra protein kick to the filling! (Use my promo code for a 25% discount off their products: “FFF1”)
Directions: Heat quest bar in microwave (after removing from wrapper) for only about 5 seconds. This will allow it to be rolled and formed into tartlets. Roll out thin and cut into 4 pieces. Press into mini muffins trays and shape into tartlet shape. Allow to sit for about 5 minutes. Meanwhile, combine greek yogurt and all other ingredients and stir. Fill tartlets with yogurt mixture (p.s., this yogurt mixture is amazing to eat on its own as well!). Consume and enjoy! Top with any type of chocolate or other ingredient you would like :) And you can also freeze these for just about 10 minutes if you would like!

Quest Bar Benefits
1) 20 grams of quality protein and 18 grams of fiber in only 160-200 calories
2) Gluten Free
3) Uses only natural ingredients
4) Sweetens with Stevia (their natural line of bars)
5) only about 8 ingredients (compared to over 20 in most bars)
6) one of the only clean protein bars on the market that you can buy

Peanut Benefits
1)Rich in energy, containing many nutrients, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins
2)Good levels of mono-unsaturated fatty acids
3)Good source of dietary protein
4)Great source of resveratrol, an antioxidant found to protect against cancers, heart disease, and fungal infections
5)Excellent source of vitamin E, which maintains and protects cell membranes and skin
6)Packed with B vitamins

Greek Yogurt
1) Help fight tummy fat
2) Contains good-for-you bacteria
3) Loaded with vitamins such as potassium, phosphorous, riboflavin, iodine, zinc, B12 and B5
4) Great recovery after workouts: high source of protein
5) High in calcium
6) Prevents high blood pressure
7) Fights off colds and flus: healthy bacteria fights off the bad and boosts the immune system
8) Protects your teeth: lactic acid in yogurt protects your gums
9) High in protein, about 18-24 grams per serving

Cocoa Benefits
1)Decreases blood pressure
2)Improves cholesterol levels
3)Prevents heart disease
4)Rich in flavonoids, an antioxidant

Healthy Deviled Eggs

5 Nov


Another delicious game day recipe!

We all love those fluffy, creamy deviled eggs. But they are anything but healthy for you. Filled with full fat mayonaise and all of those egg yolks. Thoughts of your pants getting tighter by the egg full…


But now, you can fully enjoy that same delicious deviled egg taste, in a healthy way :)


Healthy Deviled Eggs

– 12 Eggs, hard boiled
– 1/4 cup Low Fat Cream Cheese
– 1/2 cup Greek Yogurt
– 1 teaspoon Dijon Mustard
– 1/4 teaspoon Sea Salt
– 1/4 teaspoon Paprika
Directions: After hard boiled eggs have cooled, slice in half lengthwise and scoop out the yellow yolks into a bowl. Discard half of the yolks and place the remaining ones in a high speed blender or food processor. Add in all other ingredients. Blend until smooth. Scoop back into empty egg whites. Sprinkle with paprika. Store in refrigerator until serving.

Egg Benefits
1) Rich in the proteins lutein and zeaxanthin, which aid in eye health
2) Aids in cardiovascular health
3) Rich in Choline, a B vitamin that is thought of as brain food” as it aids in neurological function and development
4) Prevents breast cancer
5) Leads to healthy skin, hair and nails- being high in sulfur
6) Contains 6 grams of protein and all the amino acids needed to build protein

Greek Yogurt
1) Help fight tummy fat
2) Contains good-for-you bacteria
3) Loaded with vitamins such as potassium, phosphorous, riboflavin, iodine, zinc, B12 and B5
4) Great recovery after workouts: high source of protein
5) High in calcium
6) Prevents high blood pressure
7) Fights off colds and flus: healthy bacteria fights off the bad and boosts the immune system
8) Protects your teeth: lactic acid in yogurt protects your gums
9) High in protein, about 18-24 grams per serving

Single Serving Simple Apple Crisp

3 Nov

Have you ever been craving that taste of apple crisp, but haven’t wanted to make an entire pie? Well now you can have a single serving, and guilt free!!

No longer feel bad about eating this simple, 15 minute version of an apple crisp. Served in an apple bowl instead of that buttery pie crust, this is definitely a healthy treat!

And it is so quick and simple, anyone can make it! Will you be?!

Apple Crisp along with anything pumpkin or chocolate is probably one of my favorite holiday desserts. What is yours?!


Single Serving Apple Crisp

-1 large apple

-1/4 cup Rolled Oats

-2 tsp Coconut Oil

-1 tsp Cinnamon

-1 tbsp Honey

-Dash of Sea Salt

Directions: Hallow out apple on inside, leaving enough of the apple for a “thick bowl”. Be careful not to break or pierce sides or bottom of apple. With the removed apple from inside, chopped into pieces, mix with half of the honey and cinnamon, and place back into the apple “bowl”. In a little bowl, mix together the oats, the rest of the honey and cinnamon, and salt.  Place this topping mixture on top of the apple to fill to the top. Place in preheated oven of 350 degrees (or even in a small toaster oven), for about 7 minutes. Switch over to the broil setting and continue to cook for about 2 minutes, or until the top is browned. Remove from oven and enjoy! Can top with unsweetened coconut if desired.


Apple Benefits
1)Reduces tooth decay by lowering levels of bacteria
2)Keeps Alzheimer’s away and fights aging effects on brain
3) Curbs Cancer because of flavonol richness
4)Decreases risk of diabetes (due to soluble fiber amount)
5)Reduces Cholesterol
6) High in fiber keeps digestive tract optimal
7)Neutralize Irritable Bowel Syndrome (high fiber content)
8) Detoxes Liver
9) Boosts immune system

Raw Honey Benefits
1) Alkaline-forming food that contains natural vitamins, enzymes, and powerful antioxidants
2)Anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties
3)Promotes body and digestive health
4)Strengthens immune system
5)Eliminates allergies
6)Excellent remedy for skin wounds and infections
7)Stabilizes blood pressure
8)Relieves pain
9)Calm nerves


Rolled Oats Benefits
1) High in fiber, low in fat
2) Makes you feel satisfied
3) Stabilizes blood sugar
4) Removes bad cholesterol
5) Great gluten-free options
6) Contains unique antioxidants
7) Enhances immune response to disease

Coconut Benefits
1)Fights viruses and bacteria growth in body
2)Fights yeast, fungus, and candida
3) Positively affects hormones for thyroid and blood-sugar control which leads to increase metabolism, energy and endurance
4)Aids in digestion
5)Absorbs fat soluble vitamins
6)Lowers cholesterol
7)Special fat called medium chain triglycerides (Research shows 2T a day allowed women not only to gain less weight but lower abdominal fat)

Protein Pumpkin Cake Dip

30 Oct

Fall is in the air. Get excited. You know what that means, right?


See, pumpkin is a weekly thing in my kitchen no matter the season, but now that it is truly the season for this delicious food, I feel no guilt in bombarding the blogging world with all my delicious pumpkin creations. I hope you like pumpkin!

If not, you should give it a second try, but no pressure :)


This dip resembles my pumpkin cream cheese alternative that I wrote about in a past post, but now I’ve turned it into a delicious dip. Or a heavenly protein bowl to eat solely with a spoon. You can choose :)

As you know with my recent giveaway that is now up, I’m a huge fan of About Time protein, as it is a very clean powder, yet delicious! I currently have the Cake Batter powder, so of course, I had to make a cake dip. But guess what? About Time now has a PUMPKIN flavor. Yep, you read that right, pumpkin protein powder! Which you can also make this dip with :) This recipe is amazing as a dip, by itself simply with a spoon, or as a spread on toast/pita like this!


And there is better news. I have a promo code you can use to receive 25% off! Type in FFF1 into the place for a promo code as you order online, and you’ll receive 25% off! Now you have no excuse to try this delicious powder..especially the pumpkin one! I know thats next on my list to try. But for now, here is the recipe for this tasty pumpkin dip!

Not a fan of protein powder? Omit it or add a touch of coconut flour instead! This recipe is just as delicious without the powder as it is with it. And it is high in protein even without the powder! It may not have that “cake-like” taste as much, but it is still delicious!


Protein Pumpkin Cake Dip (or breakfast bowl!)
-1/2 cup Cottage Cheese
-1/2 cup Pumpkin Puree
-1 scoop About Time Cake Batter Whey (Order on their website here and use my promo code: FFF1 for a discount!)
-1 packet Stevia
-1 or 2 T raw Honey/Agave (as needed for desired sweetness)
-1 teaspoon Cinnamon
-1/2 teaspoon each: Vanilla and Butter Extract (or just 1 tsp vanilla!)
-Dash of Sea Salt

Directions: Combine all ingredients in blender and blend until smooth. Serve chilled as a dip, or simply eat as a protein packed breakfast bowl!

Pumpkin Benefits:
1) High in Vitamin aid which aids in eyesight
2) High in fiber to keep you satisfied
3) Rich in Beta Carotene with plays a role in cancer prevention and benefit your skin
4) More potassium than a banana (great post workout food!)
5) Rich in Vitamin C to keep you fit and healthy

Raw Honey Benefits
1) Alkaline-forming food that contains natural vitamins, enzymes, and powerful antioxidants
2)Anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties
3)Promotes body and digestive health
4)Strengthens immune system
5)Eliminates allergies
6)Excellent remedy for skin wounds and infections
7)Stabilizes blood pressure
8)Relieves pain
9)Calm nerves


Quest Bar Pumkin Cinnamon Roll Dessert Ravioli

27 Oct


I was never a huge fan of store bought protein bars, as most have way too many ingredients I can’t even pronounce, and are full of sugar. Not to mention, barely have any protein compared to what you could get by eating real food! But then Quest Nutrition came along..and provided me amazingly clean, healthy, high in protein bars. And the flavors..they taste exactly what they claim to taste like unlike other bars! Cinnamon Roll, Cookie Dough, Coconut Cashew, Chocolate Brownie, Peanut Butter and Jelly, Banana Nut Muffin, Strawberry Cheesecake..just to list a few :) (PS, havent tried quest bars?? You can order a sample box and use my promo code for a discount! “FFF1”)

Well I decided to make another recipe using these delicious bars for fun! I love taking something and recreating it..especially when its a yummy tasty something like a quest bar!

And of course.. Pumpkin came to my mind.

These are high in protein without even trying with the “ravioli” part being made of a high protein Quest bar! These are the perfect snack when I get those midday sweet cravings..or night time cravings too :) Check out the recipe below!

Pumpkin Cinnamon Roll Dessert Ravioli
Makes 2 raviolis
-1 Cinnamon Roll Quest Bar
-1/2 cup Pumpkin Puree
-3 tablespoons Vanilla Casein
-1/2 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
-1 tablespoon Honey
-1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
-Dash of Sea Salt
Directions: Combine all ingredients in small bowl except for Quest Bar. Roll bar out as thin as you can (warming up for 5 seconds in microwave may help). Cut the bar into quarters. Spoon mixture onto one of the bar pieces, place another quarter of the bar on top. Pinch sides of bar together to form a “ravioli” shape. Repeat with other two pieces of bar. Recipe makes two ravioli’s. Enjoy at room temperature or freeze for about 20 minutes for a frozen treat.


Pumpkin Benefits:
1) High in Vitamin aid which aids in eyesight
2) High in fiber to keep you satisfied
3) Rich in Beta Carotene with plays a role in cancer prevention and benefit your skin
4) More potassium than a banana (great post workout food!)
5) Rich in Vitamin C to keep you fit and healthy

Raw Honey Benefits
1) Alkaline-forming food that contains natural vitamins, enzymes, and powerful antioxidants
2)Anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fingal properties
3)Promotes body and digestive health
4)Strengthens immune system
5)Eliminates allergies
6)Excellent remedy for skin wounds and infections
7)Stabilizes blood pressure
8)Relieves pain
9)Calm nerves

Toasted Coconut Protein Shake

23 Oct

There is this one ice cream place where I live called Kilwins..do you have that as well?! If not, let me just tell you, it is anything but healthy. BUT, there is this one ice cream flavor that is so completely worth every single calorie, and that is their toasted coconut flavor!! It is literally heaven in a cup.


So, after a long biology lab today my friend and I decided to be a little more motivated than usual and go on a run! It was the first day here in Gainesville FL that was nice and semi cool out. When we got back, I knew I wanted a delicious protein shake to refuel. Thank goodness About Time Whey had sent me some of their delicious protein flavors to sample! (you can try out this protein for a discounted price by ordering online with the promo code: FFF1 )


Just a little snapshot of a part of campus

And that is when that ice cream flavor popped into my head. I had to attempt to remake this delicious taste. Oh boy was I a happy girl that I attempted, because it was one of the best shakes I had made in awhile! Of course, that along with my pumpkin protein shake I made a couple weeks ago :) (pumpkin obsession probz)

Drink it for breakfast. Drink it after a workout. Eat it as a late night snack frozen. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did!


Toasted Coconut Shake
-1 scoop Vanilla Whey (I use AboutTime Whey, use the promo code, FFF1 for a discount when ordering online!)
-1/2 cup Almond Milk/Coconut Milk
-1/2 frozen Banana
-1/2 cup Nonfat Greek Yogurt (or yogurt of choice)
-1/2 cup Ice
-2 tablespoons Unsweetened Shredded Coconut
-1 teaspoon Coconut Extract
-1 packet Stevia or 1 tablespoon Honey or Agave
-Optional: 1 tablespoon Chia or flax Seeds (good for your health!)

Directions: Place coconut on some foil and place into toaster oven or actual oven and bake until slightly browned. This will only take a few minutes. Be careful as it burns easily! Next, add all other ingredients into blender + 1 tablespoon of the toasted coconut. Blend until smooth. Top with leftover coconut. Serve with kiwi slices if desired or any other topping.

Note: Can be frozen for about 30 minutes for a frozen treat as well :)

Coconut Benefits
1)Fights viruses and bacteria growth in body
2)Fights yeast, fungus, and candida
3) Positively affects hormones for thyroid and blood-sugar control which leads to increase metabolism, energy and endurance
4)Aids in digestion
5)Absorbs fat soluble vitamins
6)Lowers cholesterol
7)Special fat called medium chain triglycerides (Research shows 2T a day allowed women not only to gain less weight but lower abdominal fat)

Whey Protein Benefits
1) Good source of high amounts of protein
2) Aids in muscle growth and repair
3) Known to lower blood pressure
4) Helps lose body fat
5) High protein keeps you satisfied and full