My “All Around Campus” Workout

12 Mar

Bored with your normal workout routine? Tired of being cooped up in the gym? Having a hard time staying motivated up at college to workout? Well keep reading, because I think I may have a solution for you..

A few weeks ago I got up in the morning, put my shoes on, and head out the door in planning to run the half a mile to our stadium at the University of Florida to do stadiums (I’ll post some or those workouts soon!). But, as I got up to the stadium, the gates were locked. I was frustrated and thought, ‘well great, now what am I going to do?’, I didn’t want to just do a boring monotonous run; I wanted to get in some strength work too. And that was when my mind decided to create this workout :)

Trying to think of how I could sub in the effect of doing stadiums, I started my run back up, and decided that whenever I came to a classroom building with stairs outside, I would run up them, and then continue on my run. But then I cam to a picnic bench, and thought, ‘hey, this would be a good way to do step ups!’ So then throughout my run any time I came to a bench I would stop as well, do about 20 step ups, and continue on my run. And lastly, I came to a medium ledge, and thought once again, what a great way to do squat jumps! So, I did about 10 squat jumps, and continued on ym way until I came to another set of stairs, a picnic bench, or a ledge. And then finished on my back patio with some abs..


This collage sums up my workout that morning :) And yes, I’m a college student on a college campus, but that doesn’t mean those that aren’t at one can’t do this same thing in the area around them! What started out as a frustrated morning of thinking my plan was ruined, turned into one of my most spontaneous and fun workouts yet! See, there’s no need to go to a gym all the time to get in a workout. Not saying the gym is bad, because I do go for weights, but you get what I’m saying. You make do with what you have (even though I do warn you that you may get some weird stares every once in awhile). But you’ll have the satisfaction of a great, fun workout that those staring at you will not have had!

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